In Australia

We have a management committee to oversee the association that includes a President, Secretary and Treasurer.  We have seven members:

Professor Suzanne Chambers AO GAICD (President)

Miss Ysabella Chambers (Secretary)

Miss Sophie Dunn (Treasurer) 

Professor Joanne Aitken

Ms Samantha Clutton

Professor Julie Owens

Professor Jeff Dunn AO GAICD.  

In Nepal

Dr Purnima Rajkarnikar Sthapit, MBBS, MD is an Ocular Oncologist and Oculoplastic Surgeon who treats approximately 40 children each year for retinoblastoma in Kathmandu, Nepal. Of these children, two thirds will have cancer that has advanced to the extent that the eye has to be removed.  Dr Purnima Rajkarnikar Sthapit is based at the Tilgana Institute of Ophthalmology that is part of the Nepal Eye Program in Kathmandu. The Nepal Eye Program is a not-for-profit community based non-government organisation.  More details are at


Dr Purnima Rajkarnikar Sthapit, MBBS, MD

Dr Purnima Rajkarnikar Sthapit, MBBS, MD